Appeal to save of the Lübeck Airport, 2010

Today you can do something for your hometown Lübeck: Stand up for the continuous operation and the extension of the airport which is so rich in tradition!

Lübeck once was the most influential of all hanseatic cities, but was surpassed by cities such as Hamburg and Bremen in the course of the centuries. Today, Lübeck should at least earn points in the competition with Kiel, Wismar, Schwerin and Rostock in order to avoid losing importance, and maybe it should even aim at becoming the capital of a larger northern federal state in Germany. A modern city requires an active airport – it strengthens the economic power, facilitates technical and scientific cooperation and raises the standard of living.

EUROIMMUN’s employees benefit from the good flight connections to London, Stockholm, Gdánsk, Bergamo and Barcelona during their numerous business and private trips. As a modern, internationally networking company, we rely on a further extension of the airport to get in even closer contact with international customers, business partners and scientists and to strengthen business relationships.

I live in immediate vicinity of the airport myself and can watch (and hear) every start and every landing in Blankensee from my house. And I still remember how, twenty years ago, the sports aircrafts caused a permanent background noise like a lawnmower every time when the weather was nice and one could sit in the backyard in the evening and at the weekends. Please help to avoid that the Airport Lübeck is again degraded to a bumblebees’ nest for noisy motorised aircrafts. The sparse flight operations of the regional airport represent a much smaller disturbance.

The airport would already operate economically if its development was not hindered so persistently and militantly and its existence was not questioned. A vociferous minority put obstacles in the way of the airport operator on the pretext of nature protection: turn against this, support the Airport Lübeck!

Source: Released in Lübecker Nachrichten, April 2010.