Chilled rhubarb soup

Peel two bundles of rhubarb, wash and cut into 2-cm long pieces. Cut any thick pieces in half lengthways first. Wash three limes and three lemons, halve and press. Use the juice another time. Boil the skins with eight cinnamon sticks in 1.5 litres of water for 10 minutes. Add a little salt and sugar, but not too much. Add the rhubarb pieces and stir. Leave to boil until the rhubarb is soft (but not disintegrating), then remove the saucepan from the heat and add 1 litre of cold water (rapid cooling prevents the rhubarb becoming too soft. Note: rhubarb can overcook very quickly, therefore don’t leave the pan and pay attention!). Leave the pan to cool at room temperature and then place in the fridge.

For each plate break a rusk into small pieces. Throw away the crumbs. Cover with a spoonful of the cold rhubarb compote, add a dollop of cream or vanilla sauce or even better crème fraîche, and serve.

If a young bachelor treats his guests to this tasty dish, he won’t stay single for long!